Carmel, IN 46082
Builders Warranty Home Inspection
If you bought or built a brand new home with a home builder, chances are you were given some sort of warranty. A few months before that warranty expires, it is a real good idea to have a licensed Home Inspector thoroughly check the home for any problems that may have developed since the house was built and make sure things are holding up and still performing their intended functions.
While most builders are very good about taking care of warranty issues, most home owners do not know what types of things to be looking for, or are not able to recognize the signs of problems early on. Having a written report of any defects is also a good way to document any items that are in need of repair before your warranty expires.
Many problems can go undetected by the home owner for quite some time, then when they finally manifest themselves it could be beyond your warranty, and could become an even bigger problem than had it been found early on. Just like when buying the house, a Home Inspection at the end of your warranty period could be worth more than the cost of the Home Inspection fee itself.

Schedule Your Home Inspection online
Or call one of our friendly staff members. We are available:
M-F 8am-10pm & Sat. 10am-6pm
(317) 844-5334
Attic To Basement, Let Us Inspect It First!